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Self Watering

  • Offline Capabilities

  • Autonomous and on demand

  • Interchangeable parts

  • Easily expandable to monitor your Greenhouse and Garden beds

  • Adjustable thresholds for optimal control  over your plant's watering

Mobile Application

  • Live measurements of the Temperature, Humidity and Moisture

  • Water your garden manually

  • Visualisation of your past readings

  • Modify the plant's settings

    • Water duration, Moisture threshold and more

  • Enable Notifications

Amazon Alexa Supported

  • Use your favourite Alexa enabled device to receive updates

  • Ask Alexa to water your plant

  • Ask for updates on when your plant was last watered and more

Tech Specs

  • Raspberry PI Zero

  • Temperature and Humidity Sensor  (SI7021)

  • Analog Moisture Sensor

  • ADC (ADS1115)

  • 2 Litre reservoir

  • Power Efficient Pump

  • Tablet and Web App

  • Integrated Alexa support

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